Uppercase Living FAQs

Here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about Uppercase Living & its products!

Q: Can you reuse the expressions once you remove them?

A: Officially, No.  Uppercase Living does not recommend or support reusing their expressions.  However I have heard of other customers taking them down and reusing them.  I would imagine, based on my own experience, that this could be difficult and very time-consuming.  I have yet to remove an expression without stretching or ripping the vinyl.  If it is a solid letter or embellishment that is relatively thick (not a thin, scripty font) then it may be possible, but I have yet to do it.

Q: How can I view a catalog?

A: Our catalog is available to view online by going to http://joycecortes.uppercaseliving.net and clicking on the Products tab at the top!  You can also see instantly what each expression will look like when you select a color(s).  You can even choose your wall color to get a visual idea of what your expression will look like when you apply it!

Q: How can I place an order?

A: For Individual Orders (you did not attend a Home Show), you can shop right on my website at http://joycecortes.uppercaseliving.net

If you attended a Home Show, you will need to order from me directly so I can attach your order to the Show and your hostess will get credit for your order. Each expression in the catalog can be ordered in any of the 34 colors we offer!  Each item number corresponds to one expression with one size, so the information needed is the item number, color(s), quantity, and if you want it mirrored.  Read below for the answers to 2 part expressions and mirroring.

Q: What are the grey and black 2 part expressions in the catalog?

A: Certain expressions can come in two colors - these expressions are marked in the catalog as a 2 part expression.  The grey colored part can be made in one color, and the black in another.  They will each arrive on their own sheet, so you can install them properly.

Q: The catalog states each item can be mirrored - what does that mean?

A: By default, the adhesive is placed on the back of the vinyl lettering, meaning that the sticky part will be on the back of the lettering as it faces you in a readable format.  You can get any item or embellishment mirrored.  This means the adhesive will be on the front of the vinyl, so when you install it, it will look backwards.  Why do this?  Many reasons...you can install an expression on the inside of a window that can be read from the outside but without exposing to the elements.  You may also want to order several embellishments of, say, some sports figures.  Well you may not want all 3 baseball players facing the same direction - you could mirror one or two so they are facing in opposite directions.

Q: I want to order an expression but need to know the overall size - how can I do that?

A: Great question! Now on my enhanced website, you can enter the expression number and see instantly what the dimensions will be depending on what size you choose!

Q: I want to design a custom expression, how do I know how big it will be?

A: Using the MyDesign Tool in the Customer Corner area of the Uppercase Living website, design the expression to your specifications.  You may get a message appearing at the top in red lettering stating you have exceeded the maximum size for the expression.  This notice is a limitation for the vinyl printing machine - which we can work around, but I want you to ignore the message for now.  Design it with the size letter, the font and the color you'd like.  You'll then see a Total Width and Total Height listed in inches above the grid in the upper right.  This is the OVERALL space required to install the expression as you'd like it to appear.  We can then work together to break the expression into parts if it has exceeded the size limitations of the vinyl machine.

Q: How long will it take for me to receive my order?

A: First you must know that everything is made to order and there are no "in stock" expressions.  Shipping times can vary based on location.  For Pennsylvania, if you place an order through a show, it will typically arrive at the hostess' home within 2 weeks of submitting the show.  All Show orders ship via UPS 2 Day Air once they have been produced.  For individual orders, they will ship UPS Ground, which takes 5 business days once it leaves the production facility in Utah, and arrive at your door.

Q: My expression is very big, how can I put it up myself?
A: If you can find another set of willing and able hands, this can help with bigger expressions.  Sometimes that isn't possible.  The best way to do this solo is to tape the expression to your wall and level it (I love using a laser level - esp. when I'm by myself!).  Once taped, you can then cut the expression while still in between the layers into manageable pieces.  Take special care not to cut the vinyl, so if the words are script, cut in between the words.  Retape some sections if necessary then install following the normal instructions.

Q: Can you use the expressions outside?

A: Yes!  I have had them on wooden boards outside my front door (check out my WalMart pictures) as well as on my front door, and I even have them on my car!  We also offer a White Premium Bond which has a stronger adhesive than the regular vinyl...this type of vinyl is meant for car windows or on glass doors (at a business or store) or on a mailbox, and not meant for painted surfaces.

Q: What kind of surfaces can you put UL on?

A: According to Uppercase Living, the vinyl should adhere to any non-porous surface.  I've put it on bathroom mirrors (yes, you can clean them with Windex with no problem!!), stained wood doors, my car (yes, on the paint of my car and not the window...has been through the car wash numerous times as well as yucky PA winter weather and still perfect!), glass, painted walls, tile, plates, and more!  The very cool thing about this vinyl is that it will take on the texture of the surface you put it on...so if your walls are slightly textured, the vinyl will take on those same characteristics - definitely making it look hand painted!

Q: I'm painting my room, when can I put an expression on it?

A: UL recommends (as do all the interior & exterior paint cans) that you let the paint cure on the walls for two weeks before putting an expression on it.  This ensures that the paint is completely dry so if you choose to remove it in the future, the vinyl should just peel right off with no damage to the wall.  If using oil-based paint, please refer to the installation instructions on the UL website.

Q: Can I put an expression on my wallpaper?

A: From what I'm told from other demonstrators, our expressions should adhere to wallpaper just like they do to a painted wall.  I don't have any wallpapered walls to try it on, but knowing how the vinyl and adhesive are, I would imagine it wouldn't be a problem at all.

Q: What is involved in being an Uppercase Living Demonstrator?

A: Becoming a demonstrator is EASY and FUN!  You can even enroll online at http://joycecortes.uppercaseliving.net/JoinMyTeam!  There are two starter kit options to choose from, and they will include everything you need to get your UL business off the ground!  Their compensation plan is generous and the potential to earn lots of money is only limited by what you want to do!  You get to meet great people, and enjoy some adult only time when you bring UL to your friends, family, and colleagues!

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